Why are some people more successful than the others? If you have ever experienced success in any endeavor, or you desire to be successful in anything you do; you need to be aware that success never happens by chance. Success does not take anybody by surprise because “Success is Habit”.
You don’t decide your future, you decide your habits, and your habits decide your future. No one succeeds overnightand no one fails overnight. Success is nothing more than small efforts repeated day in and day out.
In this article, I will share with you 10 successful habits that you should develop if you want to be successful.
Successful people take a 100% Responsibility of their own life: Unless and until you take a 100% responsibility for your own life, you are not going to be successful; if success will ever happen, then it’s up to you. Lame people blame people, but successful people take responsibility for their life.
You have to decide exactly what you want: Most people in life don’t get what they want because they don’t know what they want. A couple of years ago, as a university student I desired a better life; and I had understood the fact that I will need some tools to help me live the kind of life I wanted. And one of those tools was a Laptop. Once you know exactly what you want, then next habit is…
You have to believe it is possible: You just have to believe that it is possible, not just for others but for yourself. After knowing the tool I needed to live the dream life, I believe getting the laptop was very possible. You have to believe it is possible. Napoleon Hill talks about this in his book “Think and grow rich”; he said: whatever your mind can think and believe you can achieve. It is true; you have to first believe that you can do it.
Successful people Visualize success: Highly successful people visualize success. Here’s what I did, once I know that getting a laptop was my goal, once I believed it was possible, this is what I did to visualize success; I got a laptop bag at the time, and with my smart phone I downloaded the exact system I wanted to buy. I will look at it every day and imagine what it looks like and how it feels. I could see myself pressing the laptop; I could feel my hands on the mouse pad navigating through different sections in the laptop; I would visualize it until it becomes so vivid in my mind. And I do that every day – visualize my success. You have to visualize your success.
Successful people act as if they are already successful: When I carry my laptop bag at the time, I always carry it as one that already owned a laptop, and when my friends see me carrying the bag, I would tell them it is my laptop bag. Of course they laughed at me but to me it was a done deal, because every single time I carried the bag I was acting “As If” I had has already been accomplished the result. Most people wait until they see the result before they believe they deserve it; but it ought to be the other way round - you have to first believe that you deserve it even before you see the result.
Successful People are willing to pay the price: So it’s one thing to dream, its one thing to believe but at the end of the day, you have to pay the price – you have to do something. In this case, because it is simply a laptop, I find it easy to know exactly and precisely how much it’s going to cost me to get the laptop. After realizing how much it was going to cost me, I had to pay the price to work and earn. One of the questions you need to ask yourself is what price are you willing to pay for success? What are you willing to give up? What are you willing to sacrifice? Because there is always a trade-off.
Successful people feel the fear and they do it anyway.A lot of people think that successful people have no fears, of course we have fears, of course we have doubts, of course we are afraid to make a decision sometimes, we are human beings. The difference is, we don’t let the fear stop us; we don’t let the fear dictate what we are or what we are not going to do. We feel the fear just as you feel the fear, but we do it anyway.
Successful People seek mentorship: Unsuccessful people, very often they have a big ego; and please know that your ego is not your friend; your ego will destroy you. Mentorship may not be the answer for everybody, but it has been the answer for me. Mentorship will save you many years of learning curve. You don’t have all the answers, you don’t know everything, there’s no way someone can know everything. The more you learn is the more you’d realize that you want to know. Mentorship will give you the mindset and skill-set you need to achieve your goal.
Successful people have Enthusiasm. High-income people have high energy, low-income people have low energy, they can’t get anything done, they are not productive, and they cannot make anything happen. They lack the vitality, the energy, and the stamina to make things happen. You are hardly going to accomplish anything if you don’t approach it with enthusiasm and passion. You may not be the best at it now, but if you are enthusiastic and you believe and you are passionate about what you do, you are going to make it happen. This will lead us to the last habit…
Successful people commit to constant improvement. You see, after I did all this: I act as if, I paid the price, I seek mentorship, I kept going; and finally, I got the laptop. I was so excited when I went to pick up the laptop from the dealer. After making all the transaction and test run, I put the laptop in the same laptop bag I had earlier gotten, and as I walked out of the place I felt a great peace for achieving that goal.
Successful people seek mentorship, they also never stop improving; it’s always about becoming better, becoming a better version of themselves.
If you want to be healthier, what do you need to do? You would study nutrition; you will study fitness right? If you want to be a good cook, you would learn recipes; you will learn from other chefs, you’d brain storm ideas. It’s not different if you want to be successful you have to make it a subject you must study. It has to be something that you take seriously; it has to be something that you put some efforts in.
So, which one of these successful habits would you implement, I know it may not be possible to do all at once but which one will you start implementing today?